How do I make sure my experience is correctly identified?

When applying for jobs, your resume often goes through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or resume screener before it reaches human eyes. These systems scan your resume to identify your work experience and skills. Our tool mimics this process, helping you ensure your experience will be correctly identified by employer screening systems.

Here are key tips to make sure your experience is correctly identified:

  1. Use clear section titles

    Label your experience sections clearly. Use conventional titles like:


Avoid unconventional titles like "What I've Been Up To" or having no section titles at all. It's fine to have multiple experience sections (e.g., WORK EXPERIENCE and LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE), just make sure you have at least one.

  1. Format your section titles correctly

    Place your section titles on their own line, not in a multi-column format. For example:

Don't do this
  1. Make sure you don't use special characters in your section titles

Use a simple font like Calibri, especially for your section titles. Remove all special characters from the section titles, and make sure they're on their own line.

  1. Similarly, avoid multi-column layouts
  • If possible, use a single-column layout for your entire resume. While some modern ATS can handle multi-column layouts, many still struggle with them. A single-column layout ensures your information is read correctly.

  1. Use conventional fonts
  • Stick to standard fonts like Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman. Avoid special characters or symbols that might confuse the ATS.

  1. For students and entry-level applicants

    If you lack traditional work experience, consider using section titles like:


These sections can highlight relevant skills and experiences even if you haven't had a formal job.

By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of your experience being correctly identified by both our tool and employer screening systems. This ensures your valuable experiences and skills are properly recognized during the application process.

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